Top 5 Must-Have Items for your Babysitter’s Bag

First Aid Kit

One of the most important items to have in your babysitter’s bag is a well-equipped first aid kit. Accidents can happen at any time, so it’s essential to have the necessary supplies on hand to handle minor injuries and ailments. Your first aid kit should include items such as band-aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, adhesive tape, and over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and Children’s Tylenol. It’s also a good idea to include a list of emergency contacts and important medical information, such as allergies or other health conditions.

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Snacks and Drinks

Another essential item for your babysitter’s bag is a selection of snacks and drinks for your little one(s). Hungry or thirsty children can quickly become fussy and irritable, so having a variety of healthy snacks and beverages on hand can help keep them happy and content while you’re away. Consider packing items like fruit slices, crackers, cheese sticks, and juice boxes or water bottles. Be sure to take into account any dietary restrictions or allergies your child may have when selecting snacks and drinks for the babysitter’s bag.


To keep your child entertained and engaged while you’re gone, it’s a good idea to include a few entertainment options in the babysitter’s bag. Depending on your child’s interests and age, you could pack items like coloring books and crayons, small toys or puzzles, storybooks, or a tablet preloaded with age-appropriate games or movies. Having a variety of activities on hand can help prevent boredom and meltdowns, keeping your child occupied and happy until you return.

Top 5 Must-Have Items for your Babysitter's Bag

Contact Information and Emergency Procedures

In case of an emergency or unexpected situation, it’s crucial that your babysitter has easy access to your contact information and knows the proper procedures to follow. Be sure to provide your babysitter with a list of important phone numbers, including yours, a backup contact person, and emergency services like 911. You should also outline any specific instructions or protocols to follow in case of a medical emergency, fire, or other urgent situation.

Make sure your babysitter is familiar with your home and knows where to find important items like the first aid kit and fire extinguisher.

Extra Clothing and Diapers

Finally, it’s a good idea to pack extra clothing and diapers in your babysitter’s bag in case of accidents or spills. Young children can be messy, so having a spare outfit or two on hand can help ensure that your child stays clean and comfortable throughout the time you’re away. Additionally, make sure your babysitter has an an adequate supply of diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream if needed. By providing these essentials, you can help make your babysitter’s job easier and more enjoyable for both them and your child.

In conclusion, a well-prepared babysitter’s bag can help set your babysitter up for success and provide you with peace of mind while you’re away. By including these top five must-have items in your babysitter’s bag, you can help ensure that your child is well cared for and that your babysitter is prepared for any situation that may arise. Taking the time to prepare a well-stocked bag for your babysitter shows that you value their time and effort and care about the well-being of your child. With these essentials on hand, you can relax and enjoy your time away, knowing that your child is in good hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

Diapers and wipes: It's important to always have a supply of diapers and wipes on hand in case of any accidents.

First aid kit: A first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic cream, and thermometer is important in case of any emergencies.

Emergency contact information: It's crucial to have a list of emergency contacts, including parents' phone numbers, nearby relatives, and medical information for the child.

While these are our top 5 must-have items, feel free to customize your babysitter's bag based on the specific needs of the child you will be caring for. Just make sure you have essentials like diapers, snacks, first aid supplies, entertainment, and emergency contact information covered in some form.

It's always a good idea to have basic medications for children, such as children's pain reliever, fever reducer, and allergy medication, in your first aid kit. Be sure to check with the child's parents beforehand for any specific medications or instructions they recommend.