Keeping Kids Engaged: Fun Entertainment Ideas for Babysitters

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts are a classic go-to for babysitters looking to keep kids entertained. Not only are they fun and engaging, but they also encourage creativity and fine motor skills development. Stock up on basic art supplies such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, paper, glue, and scissors, and let the kids unleash their inner artists. You can also get creative with themed crafts such as making holiday decorations, homemade cards, or even simple DIY projects using recycled materials. Don’t forget to display their masterpieces proudly on the fridge or walls for an added sense of accomplishment.

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Outdoor Play

Getting kids outdoors and active is a great way to burn off excess energy and stimulate their senses. Whether you have a backyard, a nearby park, or just a sidewalk to play on, there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor fun. Encourage kids to play games like tag, hide and seek, or kickball, or simply let them run around and explore. If you have access to bikes, scooters, or sports equipment, even better! Just be sure to supervise them closely and ensure they stay safe while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Games and Activities

From board games to card games to simple DIY games, there are endless possibilities for keeping kids entertained with fun and engaging activities. Classics like Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, or Go Fish are always a hit, but don’t be afraid to get creative and invent your own games too. You can have scavenger hunts around the house, host a mini Olympics with silly competitions, or even teach them basic magic tricks. The key is to keep things light-hearted and interactive, allowing for plenty of laughter and bonding between you and the kids.

Keeping Kids Engaged: Fun Entertainment Ideas for Babysitters


Reading aloud is a timeless and cherished activity for children of all ages. Whether you’re reading from a picture book, a chapter book, or even making up your own stories, storytelling is a wonderful way to captivate kids’ imaginations and foster a love of reading. Make storytime extra special by using props, acting out characters, or even inviting the kids to participate by taking on roles or guessing what happens next.

You can also incorporate educational themes or messages into the stories to make the experience both entertaining and enriching.

Movie Night

Sometimes, nothing beats settling down for a cozy movie night with some popcorn and snacks. Pick a selection of age-appropriate movies that both you and the kids will enjoy, whether it’s a classic Disney film, a funny animated feature, or even a throwback to your own childhood favorites. Make it extra fun by creating a makeshift movie theater with blankets, cushions, and dim lighting, or by letting the kids dress up as their favorite characters. Just be sure to choose movies that are suitable for their age group and that won’t be too overwhelming or scary for them.

In conclusion, keeping kids engaged as a babysitter doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. By incorporating a mix of arts and crafts, outdoor play, games and activities, storytime, and movie nights into your babysitting routine, you can create a fun and memorable experience for both you and the children in your care. Remember to tailor your activities to the age, interests, and energy levels of the kids you’re babysitting, and don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun along the way. Happy babysitting!

Frequently Asked Questions

One fun entertainment idea for babysitters is to organize a scavenger hunt in the backyard or around the house. You can create a list of items for the kids to find, or hide small treasures for them to discover. This activity promotes problem-solving skills and encourages physical activity.

You can try making homemade playdough, creating a DIY slime, or painting rocks. These activities are not only fun and engaging, but they also allow kids to express their creativity and develop their fine motor skills.

Organizing a mini obstacle course in the backyard or living room is a great way to keep kids active and engaged. You can include activities like jumping over pillows, crawling under tables, or balancing on a makeshift balance beam. This will not only burn off energy but also promote physical coordination and balance.

You can incorporate educational games and activities into their playtime. For example, you can play a game of memory with flashcards, practice spelling and vocabulary with a fun word search, or even turn baking cookies into a math lesson by measuring ingredients together.

Some outdoor activities that kids enjoy include having a picnic in the park, flying kites, playing tag, or even organizing a mini sports day with races and relay games. Outdoor play not only promotes physical exercise but also encourages kids to explore and appreciate nature.