Lucy P
Spartanburg Parent

Have you had any experiences with hiring Wofford College babysitters?

Write about your personal experience as a Wofford parent when it comes to employing babysitters in the vicinity of the university. Discuss aspects such as dependability, effective communication, reliability, and any notable situations or difficulties encountered.

1 Response by Spartanburg Moms & Dads

Erin D
Spartanburg Parent

ME was bubbly, sweet and easy to welcome into our home. She played with the girls and even cleaned up at the end of the night. Perfect babysitter, 10/10.

Neal N
Spartanburg Parent

Thank you for keeping the kids! One request would be to help with cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, but, overall, you were fantastic.

Crystal S
Spartanburg Parent

She was very sweet and attentive and very funny!

Megan H
Spartanburg Parent

So kind and great with the kids!

Krissy M
Spartanburg Parent

Favorite Wyndy to date!!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine