I am a recent graduate from The College of The Atlantic, with a focus on environmental science, botany, education, and art. While a student, I developed some of my teaching philosophy, particularly the importance of play, support, and community in the classroom. Moreover, I have many beliefs about education- The learning and work environment must be fair and equitable for all people. We all deserve to have our needs met to blossom and share our contributions. My experiences in leadership began as a Boy Scout- where I worked with a wide range of youth from around 11 to 18 years. As scouts, we intend to practice survival skills and become diligent members of society. However, further reflections made me realize how much fun we had, and the exercise of building fires, survival shelters, and even some more intense exercises built a sense of community. As a student, I learned about group dynamics through our preparation for the 2022 Outdoor Leadership Orientations trips (OOPS), where I co-led a sea kayaking trip In Stonington, ME. My cohort spent months preparing for our trip, and while we did encounter struggles, there were beautiful moments together. Once our training was complete, we set out on our week-long trip, which was completed successfully.I have worked with the community School and the Ed—studies department at COA to work with the first graders and the outdoor kindergarten. There, I have worked on finding my identity as an educator and reflecting on the pedagogies that influence my thinking. A core belief and practice is the power of dance and somatics in community and group dynamics. Dance allows us to connect and liberate ourselves. Not only this, but it also informs us of our bodies, and this connection allows for healing and the ability to identify our needs.
Specialized Care: ADHD