Site Map / SC Nannies / Washington and Lee Nannies / Renna M.
Renna M.
Greenville, SC
Enrolled at Washington and Lee University
Years of Experience
Completed Jobs
5-Star Ratings
About Renna
Hi! I am home for the summer and I’m excited to start babysitting again. I am going into my senior year at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA. I hope to attend medical school post-grad, so I am studying for the MCAT exam this summer—with some babysitting on the side! I was on the GHS swim team for 6 years and was a swim team coach for Greenville Country Club for two summers so I also do swim lessons. I love to be outside which makes summer my favorite time to babysit :)
Job Capabilities
Age Experience:
Specific Needs Experience:
Site Map / SC Nannies / Washington and Lee Nannies / Renna M.