Wyndy Tips

Have a Great Interview with Your Nanny Candidate

Follow this guide to ensure a smooth and effective interview, and find the perfect nanny for your family!

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Wyndy Babysitters Sitting Together

How to Use:

Use this list to ensure you're fully prepared for your nanny interview. You can use it before your call to organize your thoughts or reference it during the call to make sure you cover all key points confidently.

1. Make a Great First Impression

  • Show your face: We use video interviews so you can really get a feel for your candidate and their personality. We want you to do the same!
  • Your set up: Make sure you have great internet and lighting. Set your computer or phone on a stable surface, don’t hold it!

2. Introduce Yourself

  • About you: Share about yourself and your family.
  • About them: Ask them to share:
    • Their background (age, education, hobbies)
    • Their childcare experience (ages of children, types of care)
    • Their certifications (CPR, First Aid, babysitting courses)

3. Share Your Expectations

  • Share about your family needs and expectations
  • Ask how they communicate with parents (texts, calls)
  • Ask about activities they will use to keep the child engaged and learning
  • Ask how they will manage daily routines (meals, naps, playtime)
  • Ask about their approach to ensuring the child's safety

4. Key Topics to Cover with Candidate

  • Clarify transportation reliability if needed for the job
  • Emphasize punctuality, appropriate dress, commitment to privacy, and any other preferences you have
  • Clarify the family’s approach to discipline and behavior management
  • Share about any allergies, medications, or health concerns
  • Get clear on household rules (screen time, snacks, other guidelines)

5. Final Preparations

  • Be Yourself: The purpose of this interview is to get to decide if this someone you would like to have in and around your family?
  • Have Fun! A smile goes a really long way, especially in a video interview!

If you ever have questions, reach out to your matchmaker via email, or call/text at (256) 368-0679.