Site Map / SC Babysitters / University of South Carolina Babysitters / Emily S.
Emily S.
Greenville, SC
Enrolled at University of South Carolina
Years of Experience
Completed Jobs
5-Star Ratings
About Emily
Hey everyone! My name is Emily, and I have been babysitting since 9th grade around my neighborhood and for family friends! I love the outdoors, books, movies, and hanging with friends! I was born and raised in SC, and I absolutely love it. I currently go to USC, hoping to continue post undergrad with a law degree. I love kids, and having a brother who is 5+ years younger than me gave me some extra experience… plus I have been a camp counselor every summer!
Job Capabilities
Age Experience:
Specific Needs Experience:
Site Map / SC Babysitters / University of South Carolina Babysitters / Emily S.